L1 Renewables is a wholly owned subsidiary of Universities Superannuation Scheme Limited (USSL), the sole corporate trustee of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), one of the largest pension schemes in the UK.
Established in 1974, USS provides pensions for universities and other higher education institutions in the UK. USS is supervised, in terms of its conduct of operation and financial reporting by the Pension Regulator.
L1 Renewables has appointed USS Investment Management Limited (USSIM) as its investment manager. USSIM is a wholly owned subsidiary of USSL and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. L1 Renewables is a lender to both smaller sophisticated borrowers and large scale portfolio’s to provide long term financing solutions in an ever changing market. L1 Renewables is not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. See some investment examples.